Please sign this petition.

It's always frustrated me that creative subjects are seen as less important when compared to the likes of Maths, Science and History. Children and teenagers may not know what they want to do with their lives when asked to choose their subjects, but I'm pretty certain they know what they're passionate about and what they enjoy. Throughout each stage of my education I was told I "shouldn't" take on two heavily creative based subjects because I wouldn't be able to handle the work load... Does that mean I'd be 'better off' losing my mind over a subject like History because it would look more impressive? I'd rather put my heart and soul and every second of every day in to something I love and something which I could only dream of one day being my full time job. From an early age we’re taught the difference between right and wrong, expected to know what we want to do with our lives... Told that dreams won’t pay the bills - And sometimes they won’t, but if we're not given the chance, we’ll never know! God forbid we may want to make something of our lives, experience new things, work at a dream or job that we actually want to wake up to every morning... LIVE life rather than being stuck in a job we’re unhappy with. Without creative subjects, who would design your clothes, make your music, create your favourite magazines, illustrate your books, sing and dance in Theatre shows, music concerts etc... The list is endless.

The Government basically want to reduce GCSE's to 6 core subjects (Maths, Science, English, Language, History or Geography), whilst removing all creative subjects from the curricular. Each student will get the option to choose one creative subject such as Dance, Drama, Music or Art as an addition however this will not be enforced.