Social Media; The Good, The Bad and The Ugly


Something has come to my attention quite a bit recently, and I wanted to highlight the obvious...

Something we all know but choose to forget; What you see on the internet isn't always real. It's often a distorted reinterpretation of our 'real' lives, which I have no problem with most of the time - I'd rather people saw the good bits of my life and it makes me SO happy when people say that some of my posts have a positive effect on their day - But this doesn't mean that that life is perfect... A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes. I don't post 'selfies' as a rule very often... Although, a year or two ago I began taking photos of my face (this may seem sooo sad to lots of people) but not the typical 'selfies' you're used to seeing online, just one photo of my face when I was struggling, going through a shit time, or even a happy time. I'll never properly show them to anybody, because they don't mean anything to anybody else but for me it shows a story, a real, truthful and honest story of what I've been through and accomplished so far. Some people write diaries, journals, poems, lyrics... I do too, it's your own personal way of expressing yourself and something that doesn't necessarily need to be shared publicly online. 

I think it's great that we can use the likes of Instagram etc to highlight all that's good in our lives, but don't be so naive to automatically assume that what you see online is the full story - People choose exactly what they want you to see and sometimes It's bullshit, but that's their choice... Don't take life (or Instagram... She says!) too seriously and remember everybody has struggles but often Instagram and such can be used as a way to cover up all of those cracks. I don't want this to be seen as attention seeking or preachy or anything like that, because that's completely the opposite of what I'm getting at. 
Just a lil reminder, soz for the essay.